Course curriculum

    1. SDL3 Series Introduction [SDL3 Episode 1]

    2. Feedback and Course Reviews

    1. Install SDL3 from source -- shown on linux [SDL3 Episode 2.1]

    2. Install SDL3 with a package manager -- shown on linux [SDL3 Episode 2.2]

    3. Install SDL3 from source -- shown on mac [SDL3 Episode 2.3]

    4. SDL3 Mac Framework Install from dmg [SDL3 Episode 2.4]

    5. SDL3 Visual Studio Installation [SDL3 Episode 2.5]

    6. SDL3 Windows mingw Installation [SDL3 Episode 2.6]

About this course

  • Free
  • 8 lessons

This course is Free -- what is the catch?

This course consists of all of my free uploads on the SDL Library to YouTube.

  1. There are ads from YouTube (if you do not have YouTube premium)
  2. The playlist will slowly get updated over time as I upload
  3. The benefit to you is you can get involved in discussions with others following the playlist
  4. You get to track your progress as you complete each video--so you know exactly where you left off!

That is all there is to it!


  • So this is just a course with all of your free YouTube videos?

    Correct. They're listed in the order that I released them in YouTube. Generally speaking, that's the order you should follow the series, though you can pick and choose as you like.

  • Will you ever do a paid version of this course?

    There is a course currently being revised since the official release of SDL 3 here:

    Be advised that the course will be completed in Summer of 2025.

  • Can you add additional exercises, code, and homework assignment?

    For now, the content is what you see in the videos. In the future if I develop a paid course I would likely include things like exercises, code, etc.